Rabu, 30 April 2008

Grava Dofa Pack (By New Krendel 2006-2008)

Grava Dofa Pack
(ENG): The pack contains Grava Dofa 18;19 and from 21 to 34. What is Grava Dofa? It is Gravity Defeat mod, but it is better then the original Gravity Defeat version. All the Grava Dofa games in the pack are multiscreen versions.
(BUL): Пакетът съдържа Grava Dofa 18;19 и от 21 до 34. Какво е Grava Dofa? Това е Gravity Defeat мод, но е по-хубав от оригиналнита Gravity Defeat. Всички Grava Dofa игри в пакета са мултиекранни версии.
Grava Dofa Pack: Свали/Download/Скачать
Thanks to New Krendel!

Carrot Mania Pirates (By Playin' TV Mobile 2007)

Carrot Mania Pirates
(RUS):Маленький зайчик пират спасаясь от злобных лис и крабов с большими клешнями, собирает сокровища и по дороге подкрепляется морковкой на протяжении 100 уровней.
Управление зайчиком очень простое. Он быстро бегает , хорошо лазиет по лестницам и ударом ноги разбивает стены. Прыгать зайчик не умеет.
Довольно весёлая и простая игрушка.
(BUL):В играта малкият заек пират трябва да се спасява от злите лисици и раци с големи щипки, да събира съкровища и по пътя да се подкрепя с моркови - и така 100 нива.
Управлението на заека е много лесно. Той бяга бързо, добре лази по стълбите и ритници разбива стени. Да скача заекът не умее. Доволно весела и проста игра.

Link Exchange

link exchange with my games blog
We do not trade with porn sites, non-mobile stuff sites, and your site must be in English. If you have a low traffic site, your link has a better chance of being accepted if you link from your main page. Your link will be deleted if we do not see a link back to our site.

linking to me as
Link Title: Game Hp Gratis
Link Url: http://gamesemua.blogspot.com

contact us at hematra@yahoo.com

i'll link back to you soon as possible.

Crash and Burn Turbo (By Macrospace & Eidos Mobile 2004)

Crash and Burn Turbo

Selasa, 29 April 2008

The Chronicles of Narnia (By Disney Mobile Studio 2005)

The Chronicles of Narnia
(RUS):Нарния – это волшебный мир, сотворенный магией говорящего льва Аслана.
(BUL):Нарния - това е вълшебен свят, сътворен от магията на говорещия лъв Аслан.

Sabtu, 26 April 2008

CSI Las Vegas (By Gameloft 2008)

CSI Las Vegas (By Gameloft 2008)
От Местопрестъплението Лас Вегас - една велика игра по един велик сериал!

Furby Island (By Lemon Quest 2007)

Furby Island
(BUL):Вскички знаят Фърбитата....
(ENG):Everybody know about the Furbys...
130x130 (Siemens):Свали/Download/Скачать
132x176 (Siemens):Свали/Download/Скачать
128x128 (SE):Свали/Download/Скачать
128x160 (SE):Свали/Download/Скачать
176x220 (SE):Свали/Download/Скачать
240x320 (SE):Свали/Download/Скачать
176x208 (Nokia s60v1):Свали/Download/Скачать
176x208 (Nokia s60v2):Свали/Download/Скачать
240x320(Nokia s40v3):Свали/Download/Скачать
240x320(Nokia s60v3):Свали/Download/Скачать

Abracadaball (By Gameloft 2008)

(ENG):For all people, who like Zuma.
(RUS):Для всех поклонников лучшей казуальнои игры Zuma.
(BUL):За всички поклонници на най-добрата в този стил игра Zuma.

176x208(Nokia)(Italian version):Свали/Download/Скачать
240x320(Nokia)(Italian version):Свали/Download/Скачать
176x220(SE W810i):Свали/Download/Скачать

Jumat, 25 April 2008

EuroCup 2008 GSM - Java Edition

EuroCup 2008 GSM
Java Edition

Real 2008 Euro Cup Competition
Qualifying round
54 European teams
Great player animations and behaviors
Different weather conditions ? real impact on the gameplay!
Statistics and tactical management
Match statistics and rich commentator
6 languages build in
Online scoreboard

free download java game

Kamis, 24 April 2008

Iron Man (By Hands-On Mobile 2008)

Iron Man
(ENG):To the official story from Marvel.
(BUL): По официалната история от Marvel.

Roland Garros Paris 2008 (By Gameloft 2008)

Roland Garros Paris 2008
(ENG):French Wimbledon 2008 remake.
(BUL):Френската версия на
Wimbledon 2008.
176x220 (W810i SE)(French version): Свали/Download/Скачать

Ubuntu Hardy Heron - 8.04 LTS Desktop and Server Edition Released

The next major release of Ubuntu has taken place. The new name being Hardy Heron. It is released as a Long Term Support (LTS) version. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop edition is supported till year 2011 (3 year support) and the server version is supported till 2013 (5 year support).

Some of the features that will be big draw for any Linux enthusiast are as follows :
  • Wubi Windows Installer - This allows any Windows user to install Ubuntu on their hard disk without any partitioning what so ever and run it from a folder in the 'C:\' drive. It allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way.
  • Enhanced security via SELinux
  • Integration with Microsoft Active Directory
  • Support for KVM out of the box. KVM, or kernel-based virtual machine, is a device driver and userspace component for Linux that utilizes hardware virtualization extensions such as Intel's VT to create virtual machines running on a Linux host.
You can read the main features of the Desktop edition of Ubuntu Hardy Heron here.

If you are as excited as I am in this new release, then choose a mirror close to your geographic location and start downloading this excellent Linux distribution. On the other hand, if you already have Ubuntu installed, you can also upgrade following the steps detailed here.

New York Nights 2:Friends For Life (By Gameloft 2008)

New York Nights 2:Friends For Life
Нов "лайф"-симулатор от Gameloft:
Мечтай в градът, който никога не спи.
New live-simulator from Gameloft:
Dream in the city that never sleeps.

176x220(K750i SE):Свали/Download/Скачать
176x220(W810i SE):Свали/Download/Скачать

Rabu, 23 April 2008

Living Stone: Lost Again (By Play2Me Soft)

Living Stone: Lost Again
(RUS):Знаменитый исследователь Африки, доктор Ливингстон пропал без вести. На его поиски в джунгли отправляется бесстрашный Генри Стэнли.
(BUL):Знаметият изследовател на Африка - доктор Ливингстън, изчезнал безследно. За да го търси, към джунглата се отправя безстаршният Хенри Стенли.

Selasa, 22 April 2008

Brick Breaker Revolution (By Digital Chocolate 2007)

Brick Breaker Revolution
Насладись потрясающей графикой, бесконечными уровнями, секретными уровнями и битвами с боссом! Насладете се на потресаваща графика, безкрайни и/или секретни нива и битка с босове!

3D Free Kick Football (By CocoSoft 2006)

3D Free Kick Football (By CocoSoft 2006)
Може играта да е отпреди 2 години, но напълно си струва - уверявам Ви в това.
176x220 (SE):Свали/Download/Скачать
128x160 (SE):Свали/Download/Скачать
128x128 (SE):Свали/Download/Скачать
176x204 (Motorola):Свали/Download/Скачать
208x208 (Nokia):Свали/Download/Скачать
240x320 (Motorola):Свали/Download/Скачать

Galactic Alien Force

Galactic Alien Force
В далеком будущем, человечество было втянуто в масштабный межгалактический конфликт.
В далечното бъдеще на човешката раса ще бъде намесена в голям междогалактически конфликт. Вие трябва да го извадите от там.

Minggu, 20 April 2008

100 of the Best Open Source Applications

The following is a list of about 100 of the best open source applications, that actually help make Linux more usable for people. This list aims to show potential Linux users that there is really a pile of large, effective, productive and usable range of free, Open Source applications. This list tends to lean towards tools which are invaluable in web development related work.

Read the whole list of 100 open source applications. You will definitely find some very useful applications which you did not know existed.

Sabtu, 19 April 2008

Jumat, 18 April 2008

Mercenaries 2: World In Flames (By Unknown Mobile 2008)

Mercenaries 2: World In Flames
Почувствуйте себя в роли наемника и едите на запах денег.
Почувствйте се в ролята на наемник и вървете да съберете малко пари.
176x220: Свали/Download/Скачать
240x320: Свали/Download/Скачать

Runner 626 (By Mayhem Studios 2008)

Runner 626
Безумното състезание на бъдещето започва!
Безумные гонки будущего начинаются!

Скачать 240x320
Скачать 176x220

Playman Beach Volley 3D (By Playman 2007)

Playman Beach Volley 3D
Най-добрият в света спортен герой - Мистър Плейман се развръща, за да покаже класа в новия 3D Beach Voleyball.
Лучший в мире спортивный герой, мистер Плейман вернулся, чтобы показать класс в трехмерной версии «Пляжного волейбола»!

Свали/Download/Скачать 176x220
Свали/Download/Скачать 240x320

Cafe Crosswords (By DChoc 2008)

Cafe Crosswords
Този път ще решаваме кръстословици.
На этот раз разгадываем кроссворды!
Multiscreen version:

Kamis, 17 April 2008

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People who are Linux Users

I once read a book called "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey which explains the qualities that a person has to imbibe to be highly successful in life. It is a great book which provides inspiration to people to act and make positive changes in their lives.

Guess what, Rami Taibah has compiled a set of 7 habits that Linux users can use to be highly effective which makes a great read. The list goes as follows :
  1. Never login as root - This is redundant if you are using a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu which uses sudo to elevate a user temporarily to super user mode. Nevertheless a valid point.
  2. Properly name your files - I usually stick with that but even if you have spaces in the names of your files, bash completion helps you in getting the names of the files right.
  3. Place /home in its own partition - I concur with that wholeheartedly. Read this article to know more about partitions.
  4. Proper crash management - Use xkill and the likes to close a misbehaving application.
  5. Try out multiple distributions - You have got a whole lot of them to choose from.
  6. Brush up your command line skills - Learn to use command line tools to accomplish complex tasks. It is a big time saver. Don't forget to pick up some bash scripting skills on the way.
  7. And finally, always be ready to unleash the power within - in other words experiment.

Rabu, 16 April 2008

Speed Racer (By Glu Mobile 2008)

Speed Racer (By Glu Mobile 2008)
Бързи автомобили и високи скорости.
Fast cars and high speed.
Каждый гонщик мечтает пересечь финишную черту единственным. Это удастся только лучшим. Вы сможете доминировать на трассе?

Selasa, 15 April 2008

HP 2133 sub-notebook powered by Linux

When Asus rolled out the eeePC, it received rave reviews. Now it is the turn of HP to jump into the sub-notebook market. HP has unveiled a laptop with 8.9" high resolution WXGA display, 92% full size QWERTY keyboard and touch pad. It comes with an optional solid state drive, weighs just 1.19 KG and is just 1.05 inches thick.

HP 2133 Sub Notebook Specification
  • VIA C7-M ULV processor
  • 512 - 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
  • 120 - 160 GB SATA hard drive
  • USB 2.0 ports - 2 Nos
  • VGA External monitor port
  • Audio in/ Microphone Jack
  • Audio out/ Headphone Jack
  • Express Card 54 Slot
  • SD Card slot
  • RJ-45 network jack
  • 1 AC Power connector
  • Kensington Lock slot
  • VGA webcam (Optional)
  • Stereo speakers and
  • Stereo microphones and
  • is wireless enabled
It's all aluminium case makes it sleek, sturdy and lightweight. HP has targeted this sub-notebook at the education segment namely the students and it will compete directly with other sub-notebooks such as Asus eeePC. The HP 2133's price starts at US $499.

A video of HP 2133 Sub-Notebook - Courtesy: Notebook.com

But the one thing which excites me the most is that HP sells this sub-notebook with SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 as an option.

Xavier has written an indepth review of this eye catching notebook with plenty of pictures to supplement his narration.

Senin, 14 April 2008

Jimmy White: Snooker Legend (By Gameloft 2008)

Jimmy White: Snooker Legend (By Gameloft 2008)
Нов билярд от Gameloft.
New snooker from Gameloft.
Новый бильярд от Gameloft.


Castlevania: Order Of Shadows (By Konami 2008)

Castlevania: Order Of Shadows (By Konami 2008)
Нещо подобно на MU Online, ако сте го играли. А ако не сте пробвайте това.
Multiscreen version:

UEFA Euro 2008 (By EA Mobile 2008)

UEFA Euro 2008 (By EA Mobile 2008)
Изживейте радостта от европейския футбол с това ново Euro 2008.

Worms 2008: A Space Oddity (By Team17 & THQ Wireless 2008)

Worms 2008 : A Space Oddity (By Team17 & THQ Wireless 2008)
Новата версия на червеите - прясно сервирана, съвсем скоро наготвена.

Adobe AIR for Linux - An Overview

If you had anything to do with software development, you may be familiar with the saying - "Develop once and run on any platform". This quote was made popular by Sun Microsystems when it created the Java language. Any application developed using Java can be compiled on any platform and made to run on any other platform without any recompilation. In other words Java applications are OS and architecture independent as long as there is a Java runtime environment (or JRE) installed on the targeted platform in which you decide to run the application.

When I first read about Adobe AIR, the one thing that struck me was its similarity with JRE. But if you negate the "compile once run anywhere" aspect, there is little in common between Adobe AIR and Java (JRE). Adobe AIR is a runtime environment which allows rich internet applications developed using HTML, JavaScript, Flash or Flex to be deployed on the client machines and to run them seamlessly.

The advantage for the end user is that he can install and run an AIR application irrespective of the type of OS he uses as long as he has Adobe AIR installed on his machine.

Two weeks back, Adobe released a version of Adobe AIR for Linux. While this is cause for much rejoicing, the package is still in alpha stage and is not feature complete. More over, there are a few prerequisites in installing Linux version of AIR, them being :

Fig: Adobe AIR installation setup for Linux

Fig: Installing an AIR application
  • Officially, it can be installed only on the following Linux distributions : Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SuSE and Ubuntu. But since Ubuntu is derived from Debian, I presume, Debian users can also install it on their machine (I haven't checked). And so should numerous other Linux distributions derived from Debian.
  • AIR currently supports only Gnome or KDE desktop environments.
  • Only RPM and Debian package management systems are supported.
  • There is support for transparency in AIR applications but you have to enable Compiz or equivalent compositing window managers.
I was able to install Adobe AIR on my machine running Ubuntu Gutsy and it was a seamless process. The runtime installer is a binary file for which I had to give executable privileges. Double clicking on it started the installation process. Once it was finished, I was able to install AIR applications on Linux in the same way you install software on Windows. AIR application setups all have a '.air' extension and they are owned by Adobe AIR. You can also uninstall the application by running the installer again. In Ubuntu, the AIR applications are installed in the /opt directory by default though you can provide an alternate path too.

Fig: An RSS reader AIR application running on Ubuntu

Adobe AIR for Linux alpha will expire on March 1st 2009 but a final Linux version of AIR which is at par with the ones on Windows and Mac can be expected some time in the second half of this year.

Linux version of Adobe AIR does not run all AIR applications yet. A list of AIR applications which are known to run on Linux can be found here.

Minggu, 13 April 2008

Tomb Raider Anniversary v0.2

Tomb Raider Anniversary v0.2
for Java Devices | 1.3 MB

With “Tomb Raider Anniversary” Eidos brings the thrill and excitement of Lara Croft’s first adventure to mobile phones. Explore huge levels that are inspired by the design and atmosphere of 1995’s Tomb Raider game but be prepared for some serious updates and new challenges like new enemies, improved graphics and a range of new tools and gadgets that will help Lara manage even the most dangerous situation with her own personal style and coolness. “Anniversary” for mobile phones features 2D-levels that seem to come directly from its console-counterparts. Gamers will find the same locations but with new levels that have been created from scratch to take advantage of modern phones’ capabilities. They will make playing this game on your phone an unforgettable experience even if you just followed Lara through her adventures on console or PC.

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15 Best EA Mobile Java Games

15 Best EA Mobile Java Games
get and play now on your cell phone, best mobile games from gameloft.

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Gameloft Prince Of Persia Classic v1.0

Prince Of Persia Classic v1.0 for Symbian S60 , S60 v3 and Java Devices | 3.2MB
Rediscover the original Prince of Persia in a totally revamped mobile version!
* The completely revamped version of the hit game released in 1989, Prince of Persia.
* Many spectacular moves for ultra-dynamic fights and breathtaking acrobatics.
* Immerse yourself in the world of One Thousand and One Nights with rich backgrounds and dynamic lighting effects.
* 4 game modes, featuring 3 brand new modes: Normal, Classic, Time Attack and Survival.
* New options for beginner players: mini-map, numerous checkpoints, etc.




Transformers v1.0.5 for Java Devices

Glu Mobile Transformers v1.0.5 for Java Devices | 1.2MB

Battle as OPTIMUS PRIME â„¢ and fight DECEPTICONS â„¢ across the world. Change from robot to vehicle and use special weapons in combat. Help the AUTOBOTS â„¢ find the Allspark - the true source of power!


* Play as OPTIMUS PRIME and convert from vehicle to robot with special weapons
* Battle DECEPTICONS across multiple levels as you search for the Allspark
* Locate IRONHIDE â„¢ and RATCHET â„¢ to aid OPTIMUS PRIME in the fight
* A unique and robust combat system never seen before on mobile

Sabtu, 12 April 2008

Phantom Duck (By Disney Mobile 2008)

Phantom Duck (By Disney Mobile 2008)
Патокът се завръща - сега много по-бесен и много по-яростен!

Godzilla: Monster Mayhem (By Unknown 2007)

Godzilla: Monster Mayhem (By Unknown 2007)
Чудовището се завръща.....,но този път ти си него.....

Kamis, 10 April 2008

SuperPacMan (By Unknown 200*)

SuperPacMan (By Unknown 2008)
- По-добра графика
- Повече бонуси
- Нови чудовища
- Само в Super PacMan

Cafe Hold-em Poker (By Digital Chocolate 2008)

Cafe Hold-em Poker (By Digital Chocolate 2008)
И още, и още, и още....

My Little Dogs 3D (By Nintendo 2008)

My Little Dogs 3D (By Nintendo 2008)
Играта е подобна на NintendoDogs за NintendoDS.

Rabu, 09 April 2008

KO Legends (By Gameloft 2008)

KO Legends (By Gameloft 2008)
Станете професионален боксьор в този невероятен бокс симулатор. Развивайте се нагоре в кариерата си и сменяйте треньорите си постоянно. Коя друга игра Ви предлага това?!
+3D version 240x320:Свали/Download

Crazy Window Cleaners (By Digital Chocolate 2008)

Crazy Window Cleaners (By Digital Chocolate 2008)
Понякога дори чистенето на прозорци може да е забавно....поне в игрите на DChoc.
Multiscreen version:Свали/Download

Diamond Twister (By Gameloft 2008)

Diamond Twister (By Gameloft 2008)
Ето в тази игра можете да крадете диаманти на воля. Е не е ли това рай?!

Brothers In Arms 3: Art of War (By Gameloft 2008)

Brothers In Arms 3: Art of War (By Gameloft 2008)
Тази игра ще Ви научи на изкусвтото на войната. Не отказвайте този невероятен урок!

Grand Theft Auto III Full Working

Grand Theft Auto III
Mob bosses need favors, crooked cops need help, the street gangs want you dead; so to compensate you'll have to rob, steal, and kill in order to stay alive, while using your resources to track down the woman who betrayed you and earn your rightful revenge. But that's all in a day's work in Rockstar Games' ambitious PS2 sequel, Grand Theft Auto III. Developed by DMA Design, GTA3 is the first installment of the series to utilize a fully three-dimensional living city with open environments and non-linear gameplay. Additional features include a cast of hundreds of different characters, more than 50 types of vehicles, three hours of professionally recorded music, and a huge array of deadly street weapons.

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Scalextric (By Unknown 2005)

Scalextric (By Unknown 2005)
Може играта да не е с много хубава графика, но пък има мнoго детайли в другите области:
-3 режима на игра (шампионат, за време, състезание)
-10 вида писти
-6 различни автомобила
-редактор на писти (с възможност за правене на собствена Ваша)