I have an Intel Celeron 333MHz, 98MB RAM @ 100MHz FSB, 12GB HDD computer. I had also brought an internal data/fax/voice modem with the brand name Ace for Indian Rs 750. At that time, I only had Windows 98 loaded on my machine; and the modem came with its own set of drivers for windows 98.
Recently, I decided to install the latest version of Linux. I got hold of Fedora core release 2 CDs having the latest kernel (2.6.5-1.358) and installed Linux on my machine to dual boot with windows 98. The installation went smoothly and within the hour, I was able to boot into the graphical Linux. But Linux was not able to detect my sound card (Aztec 2320 ISA) and my internal modem. I solved the sound card problem and was able to get the sound working smoothly, the details of which you can read here. Next I set out to find if there are any Linux specific drivers for my internal modem.
I googled for the same, giving the manufacturer's name but with no result. I also posted in Linux mailing lists; more specifically the Linux-India-Help mailing list.
I came to know that almost 95% of the internal modems are a striped down version of the external modems and are called winmodems because they work properly only on windows. These modems are not real modems as they depend on the software and the processor in your computer to do a part of its job. So finding a Linux driver for my internal modem depended on what kind of chipset it had. From the mailing list, I came to know that the site linmodems.technion.ac.il gave details on how to find out whether you can get your internal modem to work in Linux. I visited the site, and downloaded a Perl script called scanModem which helps you to detect the chipset of the modem; as the manufacturer's name didn't give much information.
I booted into Linux and executed the script. It probed the hardware and wrote its findings in a text file by name ModemData.txt. And it advised me to send this file as an attachment along with any query regarding my modem to discuss@linmodems.org mailing list.
I did as was suggested and within no time, I got the reply from them saying that my modem can indeed work in Fedora core 2. They told me that linuxant.com was providing a driver for my modem (which belongs to the Conexant (formerly Rockwell) HSF softmodem family). I visited their site and downloaded a zipped rpm of the driver ( hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt04082400full_k2.6.5_1.358-1fdr.i686.rpm.zip ). They supplied precompiled version of their driver for fedora core 1 & 2 (rpm format) as well as for debian (deb format). You have to choose according to your distribution.
Then I booted into Linux and executed the following commands:# unzip hsfmodem-6.03.00lnxt040....rpm.zip
# rpm -e hsfmodem....rpm
It installed with out any problem and created a device file named /dev/ttySHSF0 and created a soft link to /dev/modem.
Then I used kppp to set up my Internet connection. I found out that since this driver was a free version, it lets you connect at a max speed of only 14 kpbs (You have to pay $15 if you want the driver to be enabled to work at 56 kpbs speed); so you have to set the connection speed to something less than 14 kpbs if you want to browse the websites. Otherwise the modem will log in to your ISP but you will not be able to use the Internet. So I set the connection speed to 9600 in the kppp configuration dialog.
I also inserted two lines in the /etc/resolv.conf file as follows:nameserver #My ISP's Primary DNS server
nameserver #Secondary DNS server
Having done this much,I was able to successfully connect to the net and browse.
Users who use Internet only to check their email and occasionally browse, can easily get by with the 14 kpbs speed. But if you are the kind who cannot do without chatting, downloading softwares and music files and heavy browsing; it is recommended that you pay them $15 and fully enable your modem driver. Or rather you should go for a broadband connection (via cable or DSL) which does not need any drivers.
My Machine SpecificationsCeleron 333MHz, 98MB SDRAM @ 100MHz FSB,Modem Specification
440 LX Intel original motherboard,
12 GB HDD (2.1 GB Samsung HDD + 10 GB Segate HDD)
Aztec 2320 ISA sound card
Rockwell International HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (rev 01)Linux
Class 0780: 127a:2015
Distribution : Red Hat Fedora Core release 2 (Tettnang)Modem Driver Drawbacks
Kernel : 2.6.5-1.358
Max speed Limitation : 14 kpbs (for free version)
No Voice support available yet
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