Selasa, 31 Januari 2006

Create a custom Linux distribution online

In the process of installing different Linux distributions, I have realized that none of the Linux distributions install every software that I want and in all cases, they install many unneeded software too thus taking up excess disk space. Of course I leave out 'Linux from Scratch' project and 'Gentoo' from what I have said above but installing these two are beyond the scope of neophytes in Linux.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could pick and choose which software to be included in a Linux distribution and once we commit our choice, an ISO image of the Linux distribution was created on the fly and made available for download ?

Well then, you have just got your wish. A website called instalinux aims to provide just that. On their site, you first decide your choice of Linux distribution and then pick and choose the software that need to be bundled with it, all from the confines of a web interface. Once you have finished, you are presented with an ISO image of the distribution of your choice for download, containing just the software you have selected. You can choose from Fedora, Debian, Suse and Ubuntu Linux.

This site is worth a try for people who have low bandwidth Internet connection or those who are looking to re-master their favorite Linux distribution.

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