Kamis, 02 Februari 2006

Bruce Peren's forcasts for 2006

I have been a Bruce Perens fan for quite some time now ever since a reader of one of my posts kindly pointed out to me the important part played by Mr Perens in the Open Source Movement. For those in the dark (like I was once), Bruce Perens is credited for creating the Open Source definition. But that is not all, he is also an active proponent, supporter and contributor to the open source movement.

So any forcasts coming from such an eminent person should be taken seriously. On his site, Bruce Perens provides five things that he believes will happen in the near future (by the end of 2006). In a nut shell, they are as follows:
  1. Java will be overshadowed by newer entries like Ruby on rails in the enterprise arena.
  2. Native Linux API will play a dominant role in the embedded market - especially in creating applications that run on cell phones.
  3. Cellular carriers (companies) will lose significance and will be just a means to an end. And customers will not be tied down to a particular cellular company.
  4. Feature phones will prosper only in cities where people overtly use mass transit and nowhere else.
  5. And lastly, Mr Perens feels that PHP will die a slow death.
There you have it - all 5 of them. A prediction from none less than a stalwart in the Open Source field.

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