Jumat, 18 Mei 2007

(IN)Secure Magazine - a free security magazine in PDF format

One thing which any operating system worth its name should take seriously is the concept of security. In this internet age when more and more people are getting access to always-on broadband, security is all the more important.

I read in one article in a mainstream media that credit card fraud is becoming rampant and is on the rise. The fraudsters hack into vulnerable machines and access confidential data. While some operating systems struggle to contain the security threats, many others fare better in this department. Linux is inherently considered to be more secure. But the most secure operating system is by far OpenBSD which has seen only two vulnerabilities in its code in 10 years.

(IN)Secure is a magazine which is dedicated to discussing security related aspects of Operating systems. It is a monthly magazine which is freely made available for download in a PDF format. Mirko Zorz is its Chief Editor. The magazine carries security articles related to all operating systems. In the latest (11th edition) of the magazine, you may read an article on iptables titled - "IPtables : An introduction to a robust firewall". I may add that the article was contributed by me and so if you do read the article and find any faults, you may let me know about it rather than troubling Mirko ;-). You can download the 11th issue of the (IN)Secure magazine here (PDF file).

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