Does your job involve writing complex bash commands ? Or perhaps you are interested in learning tips and tricks on writing versatile dotfiles. Well, here are two sites which are dedicated to collecting useful tips so as to help Linux users better.
Shell-fu - Is a great site with a growing collection of command line goodies. What makes it interesting is that there are multiple combinations of commands which achieve different tasks. And users can submit and vote for their favorite commands.
Dot files - If you precede a file with a dot, it is considered as a hidden file in Linux. There are numerous hidden files in Linux. The standard ones being .bashrc, .profile, .Xdefaults, .xinitrc and so on. But it doesn't limit to these files. Many applications create hidden files too.
Enter the following command in your terminal to see the hidden files in your home directory.
$ ls -a
This site is a repository of collections of dot files. The files are contributed by its visitors and are divided into different sections namely .vimrc, .screenrc, .bashrc, .zshrc, .Xdefaults, .conkyrc, .irbrc, .bash_profile, .xinitrc and .emacs.
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